ecoBrown’s is a purveyor of high-quality, wholesome brown rice, with their tagline Brown Is Better. 

Other than brown rice, they also have an array of healthy food products.



To create an emotionally touching 2021 Raya TVC for ecoBrown’s.



Due to the covid-19 pandemic, families are separated from one another & some of them live far from their parents and aren’t able to go back to visit them. We want to tap into that emotion which is relatable to a lot of Malaysians, especially with the fact that Hari Raya is around the corner.

The message that Tigerwolves want to get across is that we should appreciate our loved ones while they are still here. As when they’re gone, the love still remains (hence the title of the video, Kasih Yang Kekal). The video garnered emotional reactions from the audience as most are able to relate to the video on how they too miss seeing their parents or some with the passing of their loved ones.

The video premiered across social platforms on 1/5/2021 and in less than 3 days managed to gain 1 million views ( it gained a total of 4.9 mil views).



Tigerwolves Marketing provided ecoBrown’s with the video production and social media management for the 2021 Raya video.






  • Strategy planning
  • Digital marketing
  • Video production
  • Social media management

Marketing material

  • Video 
  • Social media content creation & management
ecoBrown's Subscription Campaign
ecoBrown's CNY TVC Award